Fast Prototypes for Artificial Intelligence Projects

```{raw} html :file: profile.html ``` ```{toctree} :hidden: nlp/index transformers/index better_programmer/index algo/index web/index linguistique_informatique/index high_performance_python/index codebase/index math/index ``` ## Case studies developed for APIL Les French tech du NLP - [1. Semi-automatic analysis of biomedical text 🇫🇷]( - [2. Better understand spell checkers to make informed decisions 🇫🇷]( - [3. Argue instead of blocking: moderating online comments while promoting debate 🇫🇷]( - [4. Beyond the simple positive-negative dichotomy, discover the aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) 🇫🇷]( - [5. Extractive question answering from customer reviews 🇫🇷]( - [6. Conducting POCs with limited data? From data quality to zero-shot learning 🇫🇷]( ## NLP and Machine Learning-related - [1. Comparer Spacy, StanfordNLP et TreeTagger sur un corpus oral et un corpus de presse 🇫🇷](nlp/01_compara_anno_fr) - [2. Classification de prénoms en genre 🇫🇷](nlp/02_classification_prenoms_fr) - [3. Text Classification : TF-IDF, Word Embedding et features expertes 🇫🇷](nlp/03_classification_lemonde_fr) - [4. How to build a spell checker with deep learning 🇬🇧](nlp/04_spell_checker_en) - [5. Why using log scale 🇬🇧](nlp/05_log_scale_en) - [6. How to build a LSTM-based Neural Machine Translation model with fairseq 🇬🇧](nlp/06_machine_translation_en) - [7. Everything is translation, build a chatbot using attention and self-attention in fairseq 🇬🇧](nlp/07_chatbot_en) ## Transformers in NLP with PyTorch, TensorFlow and Hugging Face - [1. 10 questions on Bert 🇬🇧](transformers/01_theorie_en) - [1. 10 questions sur Bert 🇫🇷](transformers/01_theorie_fr) - [2. Classification de commentaires avec Camembert sans prise de tête : les fondamentaux 🇫🇷](transformers/02_firstBert_fr.ipynb) ## Better Programmer - [1. Mieux programmer en Python 🇫🇷](better_programmer/01_python_fr) - [2. A serious guide to git 🇬🇧 ](better_programmer/02_git3_en) - [3. Understand objected-oriented programming (OOP) by building a minimal Web Scraping framework 🇬🇧](better_programmer/04_oop_web_scraping_en) - [4. Be a responsible programmer when doing Object-Oriented Programming 🇬🇧](better_programmer/05_oop_web_scraping_cooper_en) ## Algorithms and data structures by examples in Python - [1. Algorithm or many ways of solving a problem 🇬🇧](algo/01_intro_en) - [1. Algorithme ou plusieurs façons de résoudre un problème 🇫🇷](algo/01_intro_fr) - [2. Data structures or many ways of organizing your stuff 🇬🇧](algo/02_ds_en) - [APPENDIX: Cheatsheet of algorithms and data structures 🇫🇷 🇬🇧](algo/099algo_map) ## Web Related - [1. Complete tutorial on scraping French news from Le Monde 🇬🇧](web/01_lemonde_en) - [1. Scraper « le monde » et construire ton propre corpus 🇫🇷](web/01_lemonde_fr.ipynb) - [2. On your way to scraping French forums 🇬🇧](web/02_forum_en) - [3. Deploying Django app on Ubuntu at digitalocean + SSL certificate 🇬🇧](web/03_django_en) ## Computational Linguistics in R - [1. La loi de Zipf illustrée avec gutenbergr en R 🇫🇷 ](linguistique_informatique/01_zipf_fr) - [2. Analyse des Correspondances Multiples : le cas de l'ergatif en warlipiri 🇫🇷](linguistique_informatique/02_mca_ergatif_fr) - [3. Analyse en composantes principales (PCA) : prépositions d’inclusion en français 🇫🇷](linguistique_informatique/03_pca_inclusion_fr) ## High performance computing - [1. Parallelization in Python: a beginner’s guide (1, using map) 🇬🇧](high_performance_python/01_parallel_primer_en) ## Codebase - [1. Bash](codebase/01_bash) - [2. Tmux](codebase/02_tmux) - [3. Python](codebase/03_python) - [4. Pandas](codebase/06_pandas) - [5. Pytorch](codebase/05_pytorch) ## Mathematics in Machine Learning and NLP - [1. Machine Learning : algorithmes et mathématiques 🇫🇷](math/01_math_fr)